There is a painting next to my bedroom, in which a lady possibly a factory worker is using a drilling machine to mix together or take apart an object made out of metal. It is made by a contemporary artist Kaci Simon, who I bought it from more than 10 years ago. It somehow reminds me of just continuing to make work.
I started to read the book Art & Fear written by David Bayles and Ted Orland. In the book they wrote about an experiment where they split the class into two parts. Told one group to come up at the end of the class with one great product, and they will be assessed on quality. The other group was told to make as many artworks as they can as they will be assessed on quantity. It turned out that the group that made more work and was assessed on quantity did far better than the other group. This case study inspires me to continue to make many artworks even if they do not all turn out well. Also in this book, it is mentioned that one should separate their own self-worth from the fact that the current artwork they have just made turned out well or not. It is important to embrace uncertainty while doing one's work and now that this is a normal part of the artmaking process.

Kaci Simon 2007 Cuore Trapano "Drilling heart" oil on canvas
Handbook: Bayles , D & Orland T. Art & Fear (1993) Art & Fear The Image Continuum press