The last part of the process took much more time than I expected. The reason behind this was that my heart figures made out of clay were not flat and had uneven surfaces. Although this "flaw" I partly liked because it had a feeling of something made by hand not using a shape or form. Although if I plan to make many more objects I might have to rethink this process. The grout was put on the figure by using small cardboard sticks I cut beforehand. The grout was left to dry for 15 minutes and then I started to swipe of the surface of the figure using my hand or a wet sponge. Because the surface for not even and the glass pieces' surface was sometimes higher sometimes lower I had to spend more time on each figure carefully wiping off the grout so that I do not go too down until the clay. I made a mistake sometimes because figures sometimes I forgot to capture each side of the figure with a photograph before applying the grout. This way I was feeling like an archeologist which has to wipe of the grout very carefully not always knowing where the glass was applied and fearing the grout will be taken off from the wrong place. Still in the end I like the fact that the heart shape is a little uneven because this is giving every piece a unique and slightly different shape.

Photographs, taken by Tamas Banlaki , 2022